
Evaluation: Grading Rubric (if the learning target is not addressed, no points will be awarded)

Learning Target
3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
Presentation is at least five minutes in length and is well organized
Presentation is at least five minutes in length and is somewhat organized
Presentation is less than five minutes in length or is unorganized
Intermodal Freight Transport
Presentation evaluates the importance of Intermodal Freight Transport in the movement of objects around the world
Presentation examines the importance of Intermodal Freight Transport in the movement of objects.
Presentation predicts the importance of Intermodal Freight Transport
Presentation ionincludes a map and explains the route the object may have taken
Presentation includes a map and somewhat describes the route the object may have taken
Presentation includes a map or somewhat describes the route the object may have taken
Modes of Transportation
Presentation explains the different modes of transportation that may be used to move an object and connects the various modes to each other
Presentation explains the different modes of transportation that may be used to move an object and generates a list of the modes
Presentation presents a list of modes of transportation that may be used to move an object
Occupation of Workers
Presentation incorporates the 10 different occupations of workers actively involved in an intermodal port and explains the job the worker performs and summarizes how the workers interact with one another
Presentation explains the a the 5 different occupations involved in an intermodal port and outlines how the workers interact with one another
Presentation lists the various occupations of workers in an intermodal port and gives an example of the workers job
Team references sources in the proper format in the presentation and produces a word processed annotative bibliography
Team references sources in the proper format in the presentation
Team generates a list of hyperlinks at the end of the presentation